Since I posted last. Where have all the months gone. Well the Holidays are past...the New Year was safe and quiet and wedding plans are on the way. May 19th is the big day and things are moving along. Rings are soon to be ordered, reception hall is set. The ceremony will be in our luscious back yard, the chairs and tent (which won't be necessary) are ready to go and it looks like I've got the invitations and reply cards all done. Besides that, I've kept in touch with a few of my old Tundra/Mirage friends including Steve Bissette (http://www.srbissette.com/theblog.html) and Eric Talbot (http://erictalbot.blogspot.com/). Also check out Craig Rousseau (http://www.craigrousseau.com/) who I met through the Forum at www.hellboy.com.
No new artwork to post, but I do have a picture of my wedding ring, so check it out and I'll check back in soon...I promise.
Off to watch Survivor Fiji and to catch up on LOST from the other evening.