Saturday, September 22, 2007

My Blog called, it wants a divorce!

It's lonely because I haven't had the free time to post anything. Well...not too much to report. Married life is coming up on 4 months and we haven't killed each other yet so that's one for the win column. This weekend is the Belchertown Fair and I'm there for 2 days representing Greyhound Options. Today was a long day but the weathger was perfect, I got a nice sun burn and we had some interest from people wanting to adopt a Greyhound. One more day to go and it's the short day so it will be a little easier on these old bones of mine. October 14th is our Greyhound Options Oktoberfest. A big year-end fund raiser and adoption drive. 50-60 people checkin out Grey goods and good food and making raffle bids on some wonderful items while the70+ Greys there will be socializing and doing some major sniffing. And there will be Greys up for adoption so it's first come first adopt so come by early if you're really serios about adopting.

Glad to be writing again. Next week is King Richard Faire so I hope to have some news and pics.
