Saturday, December 08, 2007


While going through some old artwork, I came across this piece by Ven Yann. Years ago, Ven, John Maruskin and myself made up the Star Press weekend crew doing page and ad design for Star Press in Holyoke. It was easy work and we all got along so it made the time go by fast and it made for a lot of laughs.

Update: As noted in the comments, I have been corrected on the true originator of this beautiful piece of art. It was indeed Mr. John Maruskin, the Curmudgeon himself who created this masterpiece. My truest apologies go out to him.

You can find Ven Yann here:
and read John Maruskins twisted viewpoint here:


curmudgeon said...

Har! Mark managed to dredge up that old cartoon. If anyone is wondering who's doing all the work, it was ME, your friendly neighborhood curmudgeon.

I had to keep after those guys all the time to get the work done. What a pair of pains in the butt. :-)
They'd rather shoot each other playing Duke Nuk'em.

curmudgeon said...

By the way, that was MY drawing.

Not one of my best, efforts but hey.

I had to fit it in between all of THE WORK i was doing.

zerosleep said...

yah! not enough guns or swords to be one of my drawings!