Sunday, September 07, 2008


There's nothing I like more than zombies than muck encrusted swamp monsters. I've been a fan of Swamp Thing since the first series created by Len Wein And Berni Wrightson, then afterwards the revival of the character by Alan Moore, Steve Bissette, John Totleben and later Rick Veitch. Man-Thing appeared shortly after Swamp-Thing. The creature whose touch burns! I wasn't a big fan at the time, but I grew to like the creature, even though magical aspect of the later stories weren't my cup of tea. The Heap, being the one of the original swamp monsters, along with Theodore Sturgeons IT! were also top of my list. The Heap has a great backstory involving Baron von Emmelman, a World War I German flying ace who was shot down in 1918 over a Polish swamp. He arose from the muck decades later as The Heap and met the Allied ace Skywolf. Another much monster would appear later on TV as part of the Night Stalker series, The Spanish Moss Murders. The Louisiana based Paramafait", a legendary boogeyman would send chills through my young mind when this series first premiered in the 1970's. I've been pulling together images for this new piece that I've finally put down on paper. I have immense respect for the talents of Berni Wrightson, Frank Brunner, Mike Ploog, Steve Bissette, Rick Veitch and John Totleben so I want this piece to shine. Stay tuned for THINGS.


1 comment:

James Robert Smith said...

I like it already!

I love those old muck monsters. Of course, as you mentioned, they owe it all to Theodore Sturgeon and his short story "It!". What an amazing work that was.

Someone--was it Steve Bissette?--commented once in an interview (I'm not sure who said this, so don't hold me to it) that the team doing Swamp Thing before Bissette & Totleben took over the art were basically doing stories about a huge guy riding around in the bed of a pickup truck.

Damned if that wasn't true. If you look at those issues of Swampy just preceding the Bissette/Totleben/Moore issues, old Swampy does seem to spend a lot of time riding around in the back of a pickup truck, occasionally climbing out to fight other monsters.